Biography: Sajid Hussain

Sajid Hussain Ph.D.

Dr. Sajid Hussain is Associate Vice Provost for Innovation & Information Technology (CTO) and Discipline Coordinator of Data Science, Fisk University. In 2009, he joined Fisk University as an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Dr. Hussain has served as Chair of the Department of Business Administration, Fisk University, 2010-13. Prior to Fisk, he worked as Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in the Jodrey School of Computer Science, Acadia University, Canada, 2005-09. He received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Manitoba, Canada, in 2004.

Dr. Hussain is interested in applying machine learning techniques for interdisciplinary research projects related to healthcare, bioinformatics, digital humanities, and criminal justice. He is also interested in energy-efficient communication protocols and security techniques for mobile, ubiquitous, and pervasive applications. He has published more than 70 refereed journal, conference, and workshop papers. His research is financially supported by several grants and contracts, such as NSF Implementation Award (Grant #1817282), NSF TIP Award (Grant# 1332432), NIH/BD2K-R25 Diversity, UNCF/Google, etc.

He has co-organized several journal special issues, conferences, and workshops. He has served on many technical program committees and reviewed papers for several journals. He is a senior member of IEEE.



Ph.D. – University of Manitoba, Canada
MSc –KFUPM, Dharan, Saudi Arabia
BSc – University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan

Contact information:

Office Location: Park Johnson 321
Office Phone Number: 615-329-8524

Sajid Hussain, Ph.D. Research and Publications

Leach and S. Hussain (2020). “Foreign Policy Attitudes of the Black Talented Tenth: Idealism Meets Reality.” National Review of Black Politics. Vol. 1, No. 2.

Hussain, S. Morgan, Z. Haque, “Effective Techniques for Student Engagement in Introductory Computing Courses”, Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering (FECS’17), pp. 15-19,

Hussain, A. Olayemi and S.-S. Yeo, “Genetic algorithm for effective open port selection for a web filter,” Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (ISI/SCIE), Springer, pp. 1-6, 2012,

Gagarin, S. Hussain, and L.T. Yang, “Distributed hierarchical search for balanced energy consumption routing spanning trees in wireless sensor networks,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISI/SCIE), Elsevier, 70(9), pp. 975-982, 2010,

Hussain, M.I. Shaque, and L.T. Yang, “Constructing a CDS-based network backbone for energy efficiency in industrial wireless sensor network,” in Proceedings of 12th IEEE Intl. Conf. on High-Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-10), Melbourne, Australia, 2010, acceptance ratio 58/304 (19.1%), BEST PAPER AWARD.

$2.25M – NSF Implementation Award (2018-23, Co-PI) to promote Quantitative and Computing initiatives in STEM programs

$281,056 – NSF/HBCU/TIP (2019-22, Co-PI) Infusing Machine Learning in Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Bias Analysis,

$394,954 - NSF/HBCU/TIP (2013-17, PI) to transform CS curriculum for increasing undergraduate majors.

NIH-BD2K KnowENG R25: $1,018,114 (2015-20) conduct Journal Club for BD2K scholars; arrange weekly remote research-based seminars with UIUC; and co-develop a course on Bio-Statistics (using R).

Several Google and NCWIT grants to promote CS for under-represented minorities.

Sajid Hussain, Ph.D. Professional Service

Sajid Hussain, Ph.D. Conference Presentations, Supervisions, & Committees

Sajid Hussain, Ph.D. Courses

CSCI 110 - Intro to Computer Science I